May 2017
The Brief
DellEMC World strives to create a Disneyland for IT. Dell hosts this annual conference in Las Vegas, inviting over 15,000 tech innovators to explore and engage with cutting edge industry technology. DellEMC asked BlockWorks to create a Minecraft gaming experience that could be played individually or collectively at dedicated PC and VR booths inside the convention center.
The Build
Our product, ServerCraft, told the story of digital transformation in a playful and tangible way. Wielding the "Staff of Transformation", players ran through our custom Minecraft world in search of outdated technology and solutions. Once found, they could upgrade the old systems with new, faster, hybridized advancements. Leaderboards were kept throughout the conference, with the winner being announced as part of a main stage live-demo on the last day.
The Result
DellEMC's staff were overwhelmed by the level of engagement at the show. Going into the show the team expected players to spend up to 15-30 minutes playing and earning approximately 600 points. At the end of the 3 day event, hundreds had played, the leaders had eclipsed 14,000 points and spent several hours at the station. SeverCraft lives on around the world at smaller DellEMC and partner events.