Minecraft: Designing Beyond Borders
Royal Institute of British Architects
The Brief
To design and run a 5 day workshop at the RIBA, based on the RIBA's latest exhibition theme of 'Beyond Borders'. Running from 11am-4pm daily, our course had to engage and educate 11-15 year olds on this topic using both digital tools such as Minecraft, as well as traditional skills such as hand drawing and model making.
The Workshop
Our experience of architecture today is defined by borders; invisible and physical, global and local, positive and negative. Our 5 day workshop with 15 talented 11-15 year olds explored what these borders are and how they might be constructed or destroyed. We designed and built using Minecraft, a game which redefines the concept of shared space and collaborative design as we know it. Through sketching, model-making and 3D printing we then brought these ideas into the physical realm.
The Result
The workshop was a great success, recieved well by both parents and attendees. Every single attendee gave positive feedback, and a clear expression to host more workshops of a similar nature. The output of the workshop was also oustanding; a 'mini exhibition' at the RIBA after the workshop's last day showed the quality and variety of the work produced